Speaker(s) – Seetharaman Sampath , Ngosong Fonkem , Augusto Vechio , Raj Bhala , Kala Anandarajah , TD Satish , Nicolaj Kuplewatzky , Tracey Epps

Date: 14.09.2021-16.09.2021

Time – 16:30:00 IST

Event Link – https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_254UrJjuQd-IfOqn_Y2UJw

The webinar, conducted by the Inter-Pacific Bar Association, will discuss trade remedies in light of ongoing anti-dumping investigations, countervailing duty investigations and safeguard investigations in the backdrop of COVID-19. The panelists will provide an overview of recent developments in trade remedies from their jurisdictions.